
Published Oct 12, 2017

When Dr. 约翰·布斯发现一种治疗糖尿病的药物有增加患心脏病风险的副作用, GlaxoSmithKline officials threatened his integrity and career.

In July 2010, an FDA advisory committee recommended a recall of Avandia, a drug used to treat Type-2 diabetes, and placed severe restrictions on its availability. GlaxoSmithKline, Avandia’s manufacturer, 早就知道这种药物有可能危及生命的副作用. 但该公司利用其权力让617888九五至尊娱乐家噤声,而不是通过揭露危害来保护消费者.

A decade earlier, in 1999, Dr. 北卡罗来纳大学的约翰·布斯发现,文迪雅服用者患心脏病的风险很高, and published his findings. In response, Buse alleges, a representative from the company contacted his boss, accused him of lying, and threatened to sue him for a $4 billion drop in the company’s stock valuation.

A Senate Finance Committee report confirmed Buse’s charges, revealing that a GlaxoSmithKline official emailed Tadataka Yamada, then the company’s chairman of research and development, urging him to write a “firm letter” to Buse. 它将包含一个警告,“惩罚将是我们将向他的学术路线和CME(继续医学教育)授予机构投诉,这些机构认可了他的活动。.山田回信说,“我认为有两种行动方案。. 一种是起诉他故意诽谤我们的产品,即使我们已经让他澄清了事实;另一种是代表文迪雅发起一场精心策划的攻势.” Yamada also called Fred Sparling, the chairman of Buse's department at UNC, and communicated the threat of lawsuits.

After this blatant harassment, Buse felt 他别无选择,只能在公司起草的一封撤回他的617888九五至尊娱乐发现的信上签字. 声明称,他对该药的评论“被断章取义”,而且“只有几年的使用”, 更多的患者接触和比较临床试验“将为任何药物提供所需的数据”.这封信被制药行业用来说服金融分析师改变他们对文迪雅的安全评估, which resulted in its staying on the market another decade.

In 2007, a meta-analysis 42项随机对照试验证实了巴斯的发现,并显示服用文迪雅的糖尿病患者患心脏病的风险增加了43%. When questioned on its intimidation of Buse by the Senate Finance Committee in 2007, GlaxoSmithKline released a statement saying, “perhaps we could have handled interactions with Dr. 但除此之外,它否认对这位617888九五至尊娱乐家进行了报复. After reviewing extensive documents from Buse, 委员会的结论是,该公司的行为“令人不安”,“布斯是否能够继续表达他的担忧”, 不被认为是“叛徒”,也不需要签署“撤回信”,看来公共利益会得到更好的服务.”

Ultimately, 这起案件——包括对巴斯发现的最终证实——引发了数千起诉讼,指控葛兰素史克公司对这种药物的处理导致了患者的死亡和疾病. 该公司已经支付了至少9000万美元来解决其中一些问题.

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