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Many in the United States currently lack access to electoral information that could improve our ability to vote, 增加对选举的信任, 帮助社区更好地组织弱势群体.

该报告审查了多个州的现行政策, 包括密歇根, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and offers recommendations for best practices in maintaining voter lists and files, 处理选票, “处理”和认证选票, and increasing access to election information in order to spot potential problems and boost public trust in election results.



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High-quality democracy requires that the public has equal access to information, 包括有关选举管理的资料. Unfortunately, much election data in the United States is not publicly available. When it is available, it is usually not in a format that can easily be read and analyzed (i.e., not in machine-readable formats), which reduces its usefulness in improving US democracy.


  • Restricts public access to important information about election administration, 扼杀公众评估政府事业的能力.

  • 增加了评估政府行为的难度, 减少潜在选民的选举参与度.

  • Erodes public trust in elections, increasing the potency of disinformation (see here and here) 破坏选举进程.

  • Prevents community organizations from undertaking important election administration research and reduces their ability to increase voter participation.

Greater election data transparency improves the quality of democracy in the following ways:

  • Allows voters to ensure they are registered to vote and to rectify any issues with their voter registration, 从而提高选民的参与度.

  • Enables community organizations to conduct research identifying where election administration can be improved while also allowing them to organize voters and increase voter turnout.

  • Increases the public's trust in the election process and decreases the spread of mis- and disinformation, protecting US electoral processes and increasing potential voters' willingness to engage with the political system.

提高我们517888九五至尊娱乐的质量和可及性, the Center for 617888九五至尊娱乐517888九五至尊娱乐 at the Union of Concerned Scientists has compiled a list of recommendations that rely on the most up-to-date election science.

公共数据属于公众. 遵循以下关于选举数据透明度的建议, election officials can take real and important steps in improving the quality of US democracy.



Election officials should publicly release inactive registration lists and removal lists at least 30 days prior to registration deadlines and 30 days prior to Election Day.

  • Ensure registration records include updated voter contact information to expedite communication and ballot verification.

  • 确保选民档案也包括登记方法, 注册状态, 方注册, 以及之前选举的投票方式.



  • Provide shapefiles (digital geographic files necessary for mapping; see Figure below for an example) to the public so electoral data can be visualized geographically.

  • Adopt ballot tracking technology that allows voters who have cast ballots by mail to follow their ballots' progress.

  • Update voter files daily after voting begins and publish this data in a machine-readable (e.g., CSV) format.

  • 公布选举结果, 包括投票计数和少票/多票, 及时以机器可读的格式发送.


Administrators, counties, and election officials should take the following actions:

  • 发布退票提醒和退票记录, and recruit community organizations to assist with outreach to validate ballots/correct errors.

  • 进行审计以确定选票计数的准确性.

    • Run risk-limiting audits, which review a representative sample of ballots cast.

    • 在选举核证前公布审计结果.


Lisa Van Theemsche is a Washington Representative II in the Center for 617888九五至尊娱乐517888九五至尊娱乐 at UCS.


戈登-罗杰斯,丽莎,迈克尔·拉特纳和克里斯托弗·威廉姆斯. 2024. 提高选举数据透明度的建议. 剑桥,马萨诸塞州:忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟. http://library.margaretdahm.com/improving-election-data-transparency.
