
2015年2月25日出版 2018年3月12日更新

Tennen-Gas/Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

纯电动汽车, 或成为, use electricity stored in a battery pack to power an electric motor and turn the wheels.

当耗尽, 电池通过电网充电, 从墙上插座或专用充电单元. Since they don’t run on gasoline or diesel and are powered entirely by electricity, battery electric cars and trucks are considered “all-electric” vehicles.

When driven, BEVs don’t produce tailpipe pollution—they don’t even have a tailpipe. 然而, the electricity they use may produce heat-trapping gases and other pollution at the source of its generation or in the extraction of fossil fuels. The amount of pollution produced depends on how the electricity is made. In the United States, battery electric cars charged off the dirtiest coal-dominated grid 仍然 减少污染 比他们的汽油动力的同行. BEVs powered by renewable energy sources like wind or solar are virtually emission-free.

Not using gasoline or diesel also means that battery electric cars are significantly cheaper to fuel than conventional vehicles. Exact comparisons depend on the vehicle model and fuel prices, but driving a BEV can save drivers 每年$1,000以上 汽油钱.


像其他电动和混合动力汽车一样, BEVs minimize wasted energy by turning the car off when stopped (“idle-off)和在制动时给电池充电(再生制动”). Electric motors are also inherently more energy-efficient than gasoline or diesel engines.

Battery electric cars have the added benefit of home recharging. A 240-volt outlet, similar to those used for clothes dryers, can charge a vehicle overnight. 充足, most battery electric cars have a driving range of between 70 to 100 miles, 在 日常范围要求 of most Americans, though some BEVs can go up to 265 miles on a single charge. 越来越多的公众和 517888九五至尊娱乐场所充电站 提供额外的充电容量.

更主观地说,许多司机都很欣赏 驾驶体验 由全电动汽车提供. 电动机产生近乎瞬时的扭矩, 或转向力, while the torque of internal combustion engines increases in tandem with the engine’s revolutions (RPM). This means that BEVs have extremely fast acceleration and a “light” or “zippy” feel compared to conventional cars and trucks.


插电式混合动力汽车 have both an electric motor and a conventional gasoline or diesel engine. 与纯电动汽车相比, this extends the total driving range but lowers the all-electric range. 传统的混合动力车, which can’t be plugged in, aren’t considered electric vehicles. 了解有关插电式汽车517888九五至尊娱乐原理的更多信息

燃料电池电动汽车 convert hydrogen gas into electricity to power an electric motor and battery. Fuel cell vehicles are a relatively new technology in passenger vehicles, but have a substantial carbon-cutting role to play alongside other all-electric vehicles. 了解更多关于 燃料电池和燃料电池汽车是如何517888九五至尊娱乐的.
