Infographic: Millions of People Could Use an Electric Vehicle

Published Dec 11, 2013

根据消费者联盟和UCS 2013年的一项调查,42%的美国消费者表示,他们正在购买更多的产品.S. 家庭可以使用电动汽车——远远超过目前拥有电动汽车的不到1%的家庭.


In 2016, UCS and Consumers Union surveyed drivers in California and the Northeast美国电动汽车的未来取得了令人鼓舞的成果.

In September 2013, 消费者联盟和忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟对美国汽车制造商的驾驶习惯和车辆需求进行了一项具有全国代表性的调查.S. households.

Our findings? 42% of U.S. households could use today's EVs.

That shows serious room for growth from the less than 1% of U.S. 目前拥有电动汽车的家庭——这对617888九五至尊娱乐来说是个好消息, saving consumers money on fueling costs, and halving projected U.S. oil use.

Key findings include:

  • 42% of U.S. 符合使用插电式混合动力汽车(PHEV)基本要求的家庭. 像雪佛兰伏特这样的插电式混合动力车既使用汽油也使用电力.
  • 25% of U.S. 符合使用纯电动汽车基本要求的家庭. 纯电动汽车,如日产LEAF,完全依靠电力运行,没有尾气排放.
  • 69% of U.S. 家庭在517888九五至尊娱乐日的驾驶习惯几乎符合当今市场上所有纯电动汽车的范围.
  • 65%的人认为电动汽车是“我们国家未来交通运输的重要组成部分,可以减少石油使用和全球变暖污染。.”

PHEV vs BEV: who’s eligible?

To utilize a PHEV,受访者必须满足以下三项要求:

  • 有停车位和插座,因为phev需要充电通道. 56% of U.S. households have access to charging.
  • 5 or fewer occupants (including driver), 因为今天大多数插电式混合动力车型都是4或5人乘用车. 95% of U.S. households report 5 or fewer occupants in their cars.
  • 没有牵引或牵引的需要,因为今天的插电式混合动力车不适合牵引. 79% of U.S. drivers don’t need to tow.

To utilize a BEV, respondents had to meet three additional requirements:

  • Access to parking and an outlet specifically at home.
  • Drive a maximum of 60 or fewer miles on weekdays. 今天大多数纯电动汽车的行驶里程在60到90英里之间. 69% of U.S. 驾驶员在此范围内有安全的517888九五至尊娱乐日范围要求.
  • Own more than one vehicle or infrequently take long trips. 第二辆车可以在度假和旅行时行驶更长的距离. 65% of U.S. households have more than one vehicle.



1000 randomly selected US-based individuals, aged eighteen or over, 在电话中被问及一系列与驾驶要求有关的问题.

Based on the eligibility outlined above, the survey results were analyzed to see what percentage of U.S. households meet the requirements of PHEV and BEV ownership.


有关我们的调查和分析方法的更多信息,请点击这里 (PDF).

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