Where Your Gas Money Goes

Published Jan 3, 2013


每年我们在加油站上花费数千亿美元,但这些钱去哪里了? To find the answer, UCS调查了司机的油钱是如何在所有参与将石油从地面输送到油箱的利益相关者之间分配的.

The results are clear. Your gas money doesn't support your local gas station, nor does it benefit you financially, even if you own oil company stock. 你花在加油站的大部分钱都直接流向了一个地方:石油公司.


We spend a lot of money on gas

  • 平均而言,车主花在汽油上的钱几乎和花在汽车本身上的钱一样多.
  • A typical US driver will spend more than $22,000 on gas 在2011年购买的车辆的使用寿命中,平均燃油效率为22.8%.8 mpg).

Most of your gas money goes directly to oil companies

  • Out of the more than $22,2011年购买的一辆普通汽车在使用寿命期间的油钱支出为5000美元, oil companies rake in about $15,000.
  • Of the remainder, 花费在汽油上的钱的14%用于支付道路和运输服务的税收, 10 percent to refining costs, and 8 percent to distribution and marketing.
  • 加油站平均每售出一加仑汽油只能获得三到五美分的利润. 他们从你在里面买的瓶装水和糖果中赚取的利润比你在外面买的燃料要多.


  • Regardless of how many shares you may own in oil companies, your oil use does not benefit your bottom line.
  • 假设你在埃克森美孚投资了2万美元,埃克森美孚是世界上最大的上市石油公司. 如果你在一年中花了1700美元购买埃克森美孚的汽油,你的燃料购买将产生收益 far less than a penny in stock earnings. Even if you had $1 million invested, you would still get less than one cent in return after spending almost $2,000 on gasoline.

Investing in fuel efficiency always pays dividends

  • 而不是用你在加油站花的钱换来几分钱, 买一辆省油的车可以省下几千美元, and even more by investing in a hybrid vehicle, 甚至在支付了混合动力技术的前期成本之后.
  • While you may pay $3,像福特Fusion SE混合动力车这样的省油车还要多出500美元, you’ll save nearly $9,000 in fueling costs over its lifetime. 你更喜欢哪一种,股票增值一分钱还是口袋里多出几千块钱?
  • By saving money at the pump, 你将有更多的钱花在其他经济领域——从教育到建筑——与石油和天然气行业相比,这些领域有更高的就业增长潜力.
  • 减少石油的使用对我们的钱包、617888九五至尊娱乐和健康都是一个明智的策略. 运用高效技术和创新解决方案, 到2035年,我们可以将预计的石油使用量减半,每天节省1100多万桶石油. Learn more about the Half the Oil plan and discover what you can do to help reduce U.S. oil use.

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