
Steering a Growing Industry Toward a Clean 运输 Future

唐Anair, 杰里米·马丁, 玛丽亚·塞西莉亚·平托·德莫拉, 约书亚高盛


Cover page of ride-hailing's climate risks report by UCS

Ride-hailing is an attractive option for many travelers, and can increase mobility for households who lack a private vehicle. 然而在全国各地的社区, ride-hailing is increasing vehicle travel, 617888九五至尊娱乐污染, 和拥堵.

The explosive growth of ride-hailing services, 包括Uber和Lyft, is increasing 617888九五至尊娱乐污染 and urban congestion. As the climate crisis becomes even more urgent, it is more important than ever for the ride-hailing industry to contribute to a lower carbon, 更可持续的交通系统.

Our analysis shows that ride-hailing trips today result in an estimated 617888九五至尊娱乐污染增加69% 平均比它们所取代的行程还要多.

幸运的是, the industry can implement several strategies to address the negative impacts of ride-hailing and contribute to a low-carbon transportation future. It must move rapidly to electrify vehicles, increase pooled trips, and complement mass transit. Governments can support those efforts with smart policies that reduce pollution and support efficient, 公平的交通系统. And individuals can make informed choices among transportation options to reduce congestion and pollution, and encourage companies to offer cleaner options.


Anair, Don, 杰里米·马丁, 玛丽亚·塞西莉亚·平托·德莫拉, and 约书亚高盛. 2020. Ride-Hailing’s 617888九五至尊娱乐 Risks: Steering a Growing Industry toward a Clean 运输 Future. Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists. http://library.margaretdahm.com/resources/ride-hailing-climate-risks