
The United States is facing a potentially staggering expansion of dangerous heat over the coming decades.

这一分析显示了快速增长, widespread increases in extreme heat that are projected to occur across the country due to climate change, including conditions so extreme that a heat index cannot be measured. The analysis also finds that the intensity of the coming heat depends heavily on how quickly we act now to reduce heat-trapping emissions.

The results highlight a stark choice: We can continue on our current path, where we fail to reduce emissions and extreme heat soars. Or we can take bold action now to dramatically reduce emissions and prevent the worst from becoming reality.


对于这个全国性的分析, extreme heat is measured according to the heat index, the combination of temperature and humidity that creates the “feels like” temperature.

The analysis includes four different heat index thresholds, each of which brings increasingly dangerous health risks: above 90°F, 超过100°F, 超过105°F, 和“off the charts”." (Off-the-charts days are so extreme they exceed the upper limits of the National Weather Service heat index scale, which starts topping out at or above a heat index of 127°F, depending on the combination of temperature and humidity.)

该报告以三个历史时间框架为特色, 本世纪中叶, and late century—and three different scenarios of climate action. 特定位置的结果可以使用我们的 交互式工具.


达尔, 克里斯蒂娜, Erika斯潘-Siegfried, 瑞秋很讨厌的人, 阿斯特丽德卡尔达斯, 约翰Abatzoglou, 尼古拉斯Mailloux, 瑞秋Cleetus, Shana Udvardy, 胡安Declet-Barreto, 和帕梅拉·沃斯. 2019. 杀手热在美国: 617888九五至尊娱乐 Choices and the Future of Dangerously Hot Days. 剑桥,马萨诸塞州:忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟. http://library.margaretdahm.com/resources/killer-heat-united-states-0