
2015年2月25日出版 2015年11月12日更新

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles–known as PHEVs–combine a gasoline or diesel engine with an electric motor and a large rechargeable battery. 与传统的混合动力车不同, 插电式混合动力汽车可以插电并从插座充电, allowing them to drive extended distances using just electricity. 当电池被清空时, the conventional engine turns on and the vehicle operates as a conventional, non-plug-in混合.

Because they can run on electricity from the grid—and because electricity is often a cleaner energy source than gasoline or diesel—plug-in hybrids can produce significantly less global warming pollution than their gas-only counterparts. They don't emit any tailpipe pollution when driving on electricity, and they gain fuel efficiency benefits from having an electric motor and battery. 因为他们使用更少的汽油, they also cost less to fuel: driving a PHEV can save hundreds of dollars a year in gasoline and diesel costs.

利用插电式混合动力汽车, 司机需要有停车的地方和充电的地方, 不过普通的120V插座通常就足够了. 由于大多数插电式混合动力车都是乘用车, prospective buyers shouldn't regularly require space for more than five occupants, 而且他们不需要拖拽.


PHEVs combine the fuel-savings benefits of hybrids with the all-electric capabilities of battery-electric or fuel-cell vehicles.

然而并不是所有的模型都以同样的方式517888九五至尊娱乐, 大多数插电式汽车至少可以在两种模式下运行:“全电动”," in which the motor and battery provide all of the car's energy; and "hybrid,“它既需要电力也需要汽油. 插电式混合动力车通常以全电动模式启动, running on electricity until their battery pack is depleted: ranges vary from 10 miles to over 40. Certain models switch to hybrid mode when they reach highway cruising speed, 一般在每小时60或70英里以上.

The electric motor and battery help PHEVs use less fuel and produce less pollution than conventional cars, 即使是在混合模式下. Idle-off turns off the engine while idling at stoplights or in traffic, saving fuel. 再生制动 converts some of the energy lost during braking into usable electricity, stored in the batteries. 因为电动机补充了发动机的动力, 可以使用较小的发动机, increasing the car's fuel efficiency without compromising performance.

Different models of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles may also have different drivetrains, the mechanical components that deliver power to the driving wheels. 了解不同混合动力传动系统的影响.


传统的混合动力车 有电动机和电池吗, 像插件, but derive all their power from gasoline or diesel and can't be recharged by plugging in. Because of this, non-plug-in混合s aren't considered electric vehicles ("EVs"). 了解更多关于 混合动力车的517888九五至尊娱乐原理.

纯电动汽车 only 有电动机和电池吗, deriving all their power from plugging in. 与插电式混合动力车, battery electrics don't have an internal combustion engine and can't operate as hybrids. 但由于它们完全由电力驱动, they don’t produce tailpipe emissions and can be driven emission-free when charged by renewable energy sources. 了解更多关于 电池是如何517888九五至尊娱乐的.

燃料电池电动汽车 power an electric motor and battery by converting hydrogen gas into electricity. 燃料电池汽车才刚刚开始销售, 但作为一种低碳清洁技术提供了巨大的希望. 了解更多关于 燃料电池和燃料电池汽车是如何517888九五至尊娱乐的.

