Federal Support for Electricity Storage 解决方案

State Perspectives on Research, Development, and Demonstration



2018年3月, 21 experts from 13 states convened on Capitol Hill to discuss one of the most important emerging technologies in the world today: energy storage.

他们的结论? 存储能 从根本上改变 the way we produce and use electricity, and offers a range of benefits for ratepayers and grid operators, 还有环境, 经济, 以及国家安全.

然而, the United States is losing its leadership role on the issue, 就像其他国家一样, China—corner the market on key components. To account for this—and make the US electricity system more reliable, 负担得起的, and secure—federal policymakers should:

  • Adopt a diverse research, development, and demonstration portfolio of energy storage technologies
  • Conduct high-risk/high-reward research in areas where the private sector is not investing
  • Pursue more demonstration projects, using states and communities as laboratories of innovation
  • Develop standardized technology metrics to evaluate effectiveness, 促进进步, and increase investor confidence
  • Keep the talent pipeline full by expanding partnerships with universities
  • Work more closely with industry by expanding public-private partnerships
  • Create a federal energy storage roadmap and increase coordination among programs and agencies
