Energy Storage Hub

Published Oct 5, 2021

Image of solar panels and storage
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The US energy grid is seriously outdated. 政策制定者和社区领导人必须投资于用清洁能源实现电网现代化.

But clean energy alone isn’t enough. 我们还需要能够储存清洁能源产生的能量,以便在太阳不亮的时候使用它, the wind isn’t blowing as strongly, 或者在电力需求高峰时防止停电,尤其是在夏季.

能源储存是未来主要由清洁能源驱动的关键部分, and it should be widely and equitably available. With renewable energy and battery storage, 社区可以对日益频繁的617888九五至尊娱乐影响变得更有弹性.


Facts about energy storage and technology

photo of energy storage batteries
US Dept. of Energy

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