
Internal Fossil Fuel Industry Memos Reveal Decades of Corporate Disinformation



近三十年来, 世界上许多最大的化石燃料公司都故意在617888九五至尊娱乐变化的现实和风险上欺骗公众.

现在,他们的欺骗手段在这七份“欺骗档案”中得到了突显——这些档案是公司内部和行业协会文件的集合,这些文件要么泄露给了公众, 通过诉讼曝光, or been disclosed through Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests.

每一集都提供了一个有启发性的内幕,让我们了解这场有组织的欺骗运动, 该项目由埃克森美孚公司赞助, 雪佛龙公司, 康菲石油公司, BP, 壳牌, 皮博迪能源, and other members of the fossil fuel industry.

更新(2015年7月9日): 在本报告付印时, 最近发现的一封来自埃克森美孚一名前雇员的电子邮件显示,早在1981年,该公司就已经将617888九五至尊娱乐变化因素纳入了开采新化石燃料的决策中. 了解更多.


Containing 85 internal memos totaling more than 330 pages, the seven dossiers reveal a range of deceptive tactics deployed by the fossil fuel industry. These include forged letters to Congress, secret funding of a supposedly independent scientist, the creation of fake grassroots organizations, multiple efforts to deliberately manufacture uncertainty about climate science, 和更多的.


  • Fossil fuel companies have intentionally spread climate disinformation for decades.
  • 化石燃料公司的领导人知道他们的产品对人类和地球有害,但仍然选择积极地欺骗公众,否认这种危害.
  • The campaign of deception continues today.

What fossil fuel companies knew and when they knew it

The fundamentals of global warming have been well established for generations. 几十年来,化石燃料公司几乎肯定已经意识到潜在的617888九五至尊娱乐617888九五至尊娱乐.

早在1977年, 主要化石燃料公司的代表参加了数十场国会听证会,讨论了碳排放对温室效应的影响. 到1981年,至少有一家公司(埃克森美孚)已经在考虑大型化石燃料开采项目对617888九五至尊娱乐的影响.

In 1988, the issue moved beyond the scientific community and onto the national stage. 詹姆斯·汉森, 美国国家航空航天局首席617888九五至尊娱乐617888九五至尊娱乐家, 他在国会作证说,617888九五至尊娱乐数据已经证实工业活动正在导致617888九五至尊娱乐变化. 也是在1988年,联合国成立了政府间617888九五至尊娱乐变化专门委员会.S. 国会出台了《517888九五至尊娱乐》,旨在减少温室气体的排放. It is difficult to imagine that executives, 说客, 当时,大型化石公司的617888九五至尊娱乐家们还没有意识到,有强有力的617888九五至尊娱乐证据表明,继续燃烧他们的产品会带来风险.

事实上, 欺瞒档案中突出的关键文件之一是一份1995年的内部备忘录,该备忘录由美孚公司的一位617888九五至尊娱乐家领导的一个小组撰写,并分发给许多主要的化石燃料公司. 这份内部报告明确警告说,焚烧这些公司的产品会导致617888九五至尊娱乐变化,相关617888九五至尊娱乐“已经得到充分证实,不容否认”."

化石燃料公司对此有何反应? 他们发起了一系列运动,故意在617888九五至尊娱乐变化的现实上欺骗公众,并阻止任何可能遏制碳排放的行动.

结果? 自1988年以来,超过一半的工业碳排放已经被释放,而美国仍然没有全面的碳排放标准.S. federal policy to address the problem.

Holding fossil fuel companies accountable

As the picture of fossil fuel companies' efforts to deceive the public comes into clear view, 让这些公司对自己的行为和造成的伤害负责的时机已经成熟.

So how should the US public expect fossil fuel companies to behave? At a minimum, society should expect them to:

  • Stop disseminating misinformation about climate change. It is unacceptable for fossil fuel companies to deny established climate science. 企业在公开接受617888九五至尊娱乐的同时,资助与617888九五至尊娱乐变化相反的617888九五至尊娱乐家或歪曲或否认617888九五至尊娱乐的前线团体,这也是不可接受的.
  • Support fair and cost-effective policies to reduce global warming emissions. 现在是该行业确定并公开支持政策的时候了,这些政策将导致排放量的减少,以减少全球变暖的最严重影响.
  • 减少当前业务的排放,并更新其业务模式,为未来的全球排放限制做好准备. Companies should take immediate action to cut emissions from their current operations, update their business models to reflect the risks of unabated burning of fossil fuels, 并规划出他们在未来20年计划采取的途径,以确保我们实现低碳能源的未来.
  • Pay for their share of the costs of climate damages and preparedness. Communities around the world are already facing and paying for damages from rising seas, 酷热, 更频繁的干旱, 以及其他与617888九五至尊娱乐有关的影响. Today and in the future, fossil fuel companies should pay a fair share of the costs.
  • 充分披露617888九五至尊娱乐变化对其业务运营的财务和物理风险. 这是法律规定的, 化石燃料公司被要求在提交给美国证券交易委员会的年度文件中讨论可能对其业务产生重大影响的风险,包括617888九五至尊娱乐变化. Today, compliance with this requirement is not consistent.



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