
Published Mar 28, 2017


使用核武器的决定可能是这个国家所能做出的最重要的决定. A single warhead could kill hundreds of thousands of people; nuclear war could change the face of the planet.

Yet, despite the risks, 总统下令发动核打击的权力不受制约.

没有规定总统必须征求顾问的意见, Congress, or the courts; a call to the Pentagon war room with his personal authentication codes is all that’s needed. 数千枚核弹头,其中几百枚已经发射 hair-trigger alert—are at his command.

国会可以通过限制总统下令先发制人的权力来制衡这种权力. Specifically, 国会可以要求总统在使用核武器进行报复之外的任何行动之前先宣战. 这样做将减少冲动或非理性发射的可能性, 同时保留总统对即将到来的核威胁做出快速反应的能力.

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