


In the early 1990s, we realized we had to double our office space in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This gave us an opportunity to design an office that illustrates how energy efficiency can be put into practice.

We bought the top two floors of a six-story design in Harvard Square that was about ready to begin construction. 在设计师的配合下, 构建器, 城市规划办公室, 我们重新设计了这座建筑,创造了一个舒适的环境, 高效的10,000平方英尺的办公室.

Perhaps the most striking feature is the extensive daylighting. The windows lining the building's exterior have efficient argon-filled, low-e-coated double glazing. Inside walls made partially of glass pass light through to hallways and interior offices. Highly reflective acoustical ceiling tiles also help transmit reflected daylight to the interior. 中央中庭/楼梯井连接两层, bringing a flood of daylight from the large overhead skylight.

比尔销/ UCS

The high-efficiency ceiling lights are designed to minimize glare on computers. 它们是日光控制的,可以自动节约能源, growing dimmer or brighter in proportion to the available daylight. 然而, 外面的办公室从窗户接收到很多光线, that staff in those offices generally don't turn on the lights until dusk.

两级热泵提供加热和冷却. 它们517888九五至尊娱乐效率高,噪音小. 因为建筑本身是高度节能的, 我们可以使用住宅大小的热泵. 我们可以打开窗户而不消耗能量.

Our thermal and lighting systems use less than 40,000 Btu per square foot per year. This is 30 percent lower than recommended standards for efficient office buildings and significantly lower than in conventional buildings in the Cambridge area.

我们所做的一切都是为了一笔合理的钱. The total cost for outfitting our office space was close to our original budget of $50 per square foot. This was well below the costs for outfitting the other floors of the same building, 哪个遵循了更传统的计划.

大矛/ UCS

1997年,我们在屋顶安装了太阳能电池阵列. 因为屋顶很小, 这个阵列也很小,只有47英尺长, 4英尺宽, 额定容量为2.1千瓦. All the electricity the array produces is available to our office as needed. The output is enough to supply electricity for lighting our entire office.

Just six years after moving into our new headquarters, UCS had quickly outgrown its space. 为了容纳不断增加的员工, we purchased the fourth floor in our building and retrofitted it to match the daylighting designs on our top two floors. We also added an open spiral staircase to provide easy access for staff between floors and to provide additional daylight from our sixth floor skylight.

除了我们在马萨诸塞州的绿色办公空间, UCS purchases renewable energy certificates (RECs) equal to the energy we use. RECs help to fund clean energy projects in the regions around our offices. The projects we support are Green-e certified and will directly reduce the emissions generated by the electricity grids of each of our offices. UCS has long been a supporter of the Green-e certification; purchasing RECs equal to our electricity use shows our continued support of this program.


2007年,我们搬迁了位于华盛顿特区的总部.C., offices to a new building where we redesigned an entire floor, 融入环保设计原则. The first step in our search to find a new office in Washington was to survey our staff about their commuting habits, because a primary factor in choosing the location of our new Washington office was its proximity to public transportation, 美国国会, 以及与我们合作的其他组织. We chose a building located within two blocks of three Metro lines and on a crosstown thoroughfare with numerous bus lines.


Our California office in Oakland was chosen because it is a LEED certified building, 靠近公共交通, 而且它对自行车很友好.