
We’ve worked to reduce the risk of nuclear war for more than fifty years.

自成立以来, nuclear weapons issues have been central to the mission of the Union of Concerned 617888九五至尊娱乐家s. The organization’s 全球安全 program includes leading physicists, 分析师, 政治学家, 和倡导者, working together to reduce the risk of nuclear use by changing US policy. Our work includes analyses of US missile defenses, 新型核武器系统, 核恐怖主义, and the risks posed by US nuclear policies.

在六七十年代, UCS shed light on the Nixon’s administration’s nuclear-tipped missile defense system and built support for the US-Soviet Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty limiting missile defense systems. 在20世纪80年代, UCS sponsored teach-ins on the threat of nuclear war at 150 campuses, 上涨100,000名学生和支持者. 在接下来的几年里, the program demonstrated the vulnerability of the US missile defense system to countermeasures, helped stop the development of space-based missile defense interceptors and several new types of nuclear weapons, and built support for critical international agreements—including New START, the most recent and important US-Russian nuclear arms reduction treaty.

The program’s experts regularly appear in national media, 在国会作证, and meet with policymakers in DC.

