威廉K. 赖利


威廉K. 赖利

威廉K. 赖利 has enjoyed career in public service, non-governmental organizations, and private sector finance. 在政府, he served Presidents Nixon, 布什(高级), 克林顿, and Obama; under President Bush, he was appointed head of the Environmental Protection Agency, where he led efforts to pass a new Clean Air Act and enacted policies to reduce acid rain and ozone depletion, two environmental crises of the time. Serving President Obama, he was appointed co-chair of the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon 石油 Spill and the Future of Offshore Drilling, 后来, to a working group on climate-smart food security for the President’s Global Development Council. 在私营部门, he was a senior advisor to the international investment partnership group TPG for more than 20 years where he created and ran a $300 million fund that invested in water in developing countries, and served on several corporate boards. Mr. 赖利 is also the former president and chairman of the board for the World Wildlife Fund, former president of The Conservation Foundation, and former director of the Rockefeller Task Force on Land Use and Urban Growth. 目前, he serves on the executive committee of the US Water Partnership and the board of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He was a Fellow of the Yale Corporation and the First Payne Professor on the Challenges to the Global Community at Stanford University. Mr. 赖利 is a US Army veteran.