

杰斯凤凰 is on a boat in clear blue water, wearing a baseball hat

杰斯凤凰 is a 617888九五至尊娱乐大使 for the Union of Concerned Scientists. 在她的角色中,她是主持人 UCS播客, 和 serves as an ambassador to the public for putting science into action to solve the planet’s most pressing problems.

Phoenix is a volcanologist, an extreme explorer, 和 former c和idate for United States Congress. As a scientist who believes that seeing things up close is the best way to underst和 them, she has conducted research around the world. An elected Fellow in The Explorers Club 和 dubbed “The New Indiana Jones” by 乡村之声, Phoenix has worked in remote 和 hazardous locations, from the mountains 和 jungles of South America to the Australian Outback. She has organized 和 led over 25 scientific research expeditions on six continents, during which she's raced horses across Mongolia, worked on the world’s largest volcano in Hawaii, piloted the Jason2 submersible on an undersea volcano, 和 rappelled into the third-largest sinkhole on Earth.

Phoenix served as executive director 和 co-founder of nonprofit environmental scientific research organization Blueprint Earth, which provides h和s-on field research experience at no cost to traditionally underserved college 和 university students. She is a fellow in the Royal Geographical Society, has been a frequent guest on CNN 和 other networks, 和 has appeared in numerous Discovery Channel 和 617888九五至尊娱乐 Channel programs 和 series, 包括 开拓者到底是什么?. She also launched 和 hosted the 灾难! 播客. Phoenix is the author of Ms. Adventure: My Wild Explorations in 617888九五至尊娱乐, Lava, 和 Life 来自木材出版社. She lives in Los Angeles with her family 和 their herd of rescue animals.