

爱德华·里奥斯考虑过湖城, 他的家乡, 虽然他出生在凤凰城, 他童年的大部分时间都在劳顿度过, OK. He attended the University of Florida where he completed his undergraduate and graduate studies in Chemical and Industrial and Systems Engineering, 分别.

Mr. Rios has seventeen years of professional experience and has held engineering positions in production engineering, 制造业发展, 能源审计. Mr. Rios arrived in Washington, DC in March 2004 where he began working for Sayres and Associates Corp. 作为能源分析师. 他支持美国.S. Department of 能源’s (DOE) Office of 能源 Efficiency and 可再生能源. Mr. 里奥斯加入了技术和管理服务公司. in December 2004 as an Associate where he supported DOE’s Office of Information and Business Management Systems (OIBMS) and the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Indian Affairs. He later was assigned to DOE’s National 能源 Technology Laboratory in Morgantown, WV where he was a member of the Federal Project Management Center.

Mr. Rios is currently a member of the federal staff at DOE’s Loan 项目 Office (LPO). 在那里, 他负责化石能源的财务筛选, 生物燃料, 可再生能源项目. He also coordinates the technical reviews with LPO’s technical staff to ensure that potential projects meet LPO requirements for technical eligibility and emissions reduction.

Believe it or not, as a youngster I DID NOT LIKE math or science. 在我高中的最后一年, I didn’t even take science classes since I had already met the minimum science requirements by my junior year. If, 当时, you would’ve told me that I would finish my university education with a Bachelor’s and Master’s of 617888九五至尊娱乐 degree in chemical and industrial engineering, 我会当面嘲笑你的.

When I began college I decided to major in 历史 and possibly go on to law school or teaching. 但令我惊讶的是, 当我真正开始在课堂上投入精力的时候, 我的数学和物理课程是我最好的科目! I discovered that solving problems as opposed to memorizing concepts was much more interesting to me. I soon learned that this is what engineering is all about (needless to say, 生物不是我最擅长的课程). 再加上朋友和家人的支持, 慢着瞧, I was accepted into the College of Engineering at the University of Florida, 和一些非常聪明的人交往.

现在快进到我的职业生涯,我在美国.S. 能源部贷款项目办公室. I am an investment analyst that reviews applications for innovative clean energy projects. Our applicants are seeking debt financing for their projects and, 因为这些项目是创新的, they involve technologies that have not been deployed on a commercial scale. The Loan 项目 Office requires that the applicants submit an extensive technical report to support their claims of the technology’s feasibility. The report can be intimidating for some of my colleagues who have pure financial backgrounds. 但对我来说, these reports are super interesting and I enjoy learning the technologies described in them. My job is the perfect intersection of finance and technology and I have my engineering background to thank for getting me there.

To future science, technology, engineering, and math students

For all of you that are pondering a career in the sciences or engineering and are not confident that you will be able to get through the classes that will be required, 你可以做到的! Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that only certain people are made for math and science. 我就是活生生的证明,事实并非如此. You may have to work harder than others but in the long run the dedication and discipline needed to complete your chosen field of study will serve you well, 不仅在课堂上,而且在你的职业生涯中.